Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Note from Mom...
Some canine vaccines can provoke an immune response in many breeds, and Weims are one that is predisposed to some scary reactions:
Hyperinflammatory disease and hypertrophic osteodystrophy, where bone growth bolts and requires treatment with steroids;
Immune system breakdown;
Injection site sarcomas;

Weims with these conditions sometimes end up in rescue, fortunately, and can be treated if not corrected: many more Weims are put down out of ignorance. New guidelines have been established by AAHA and UC Davis Veterinary College for core vaccines and the schedule at which they should be administered. Core vaccines are Canine Parvovirus, Distemper Virus, and Adenovirus-2 and boosters are recommended every three years. Non-core vaccines should be evaluated in terms of location, the dog's environment and social situation and the prevalence of disease in an area at a given time.
Here's a link for more information:

That said, some veterinarians area taking a holistic and homeopathic approach to vaccines and recommend homeopathic nosodes for adult dogs. The nosodes only help protect dogs against Parvovirus, Distemper, Kennel Cough, Panleukopenia and FIP. Some nosodes seem to work more effectively than others. None of these produce titers against these diseases like a vaccination , so they are NOT vaccine replacements. They do seem to moderate a disease condition if the animal is exposed, even if they don't prevent it. It is another option for those guardians who wish to avoid vaccinations. Of course in the traditional veterinary field, there is resistance if not hostility to homeopathy, just as with human alternative medicine. Your own dog's lifestyle should be the biggest factor in determining vaccines.

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