Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama Opposes Puppy Mills!

I'm proud that my mom supported Barack Obama! Us dogs need Change too! President-elect Obama plans to adopt a shelter dog, and needs to find a hypoallergenic breed because Malia has allergies.
Thanks to Animals7 for this CNN I-Report:

I am so proud our new president is against the horror of puppy mills! The picture is Obama with Baby, a puppy mill rescue. Here is her story, from:
A Rare Breed of Love was inspired by "Baby," an abused puppy mill survivor who lived through a 9-year ordeal in order to become a "national spokesdog" to raise awareness about cruelty in the dog breeding industry.
Like all the breeding dogs, Baby was tattooed with a number and had her vocal cords cut so the owners wouldn't have to listen to her cries to be let out of her cage. Her leg was amputated after her rescue due to the abuse she suffered. On the day Baby was scheduled to be killed - because she had gotten too old to breed - she was rescued by a passing stranger who was dubbed the "Drive-by Angel." Eventually Baby found a forever home with author Jana Kohl, who was inspired to tell the world about her ordeal and hopefully reform this cruel industry. Jana quickly found support among distinguished leaders and celebrities, who are featured with Baby in this beautiful full-color book.
An Internet or pet store puppy may look cute but think of his parents, condemned to life in a filthy cage, never to walk on grass or see the sun. The only way to stop it is to boycott pet stores and Internet breeders who run puppy mills. Many breeders lie and say they don't run mills; they may even send you pictures of dogs running free in a yard. Don't believe it; many are known to stage pictures for buyers. Nearly all commercial breeders are puppy millers who treat dogs inhumanely. One man, who operated one of the cruelest facilities I'd ever seen, bragged that the USDA called his a "model facility." USDA licensing is meaningless. Plus, it costs us taxpayers 2 billion dollars a year to round up, shelter and euthanize the 4 million homeless dogs who need a loving home. That means every time you buy a dog instead of adopting, youíre signing the death warrant for a shelter dog and wasting money that could be better spent on any number of vital needs ñ such as schools or veterans hospitals. Youíll never know a greater joy than giving a homeless dog a forever home. At your local shelter, rescue group, or your best friend is waiting just for you. I know you'll thank me!