Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pay Attention to Me!

Pay Attention to Me!, originally uploaded by EWA Goddess-Erin.

Rooster sure gets a lot of attention these days! I have to keep him out of trouble with jaeger, and that's hard because Rooster IS Trouble, with a capital T! I only get a tummy rub about once a week now, and I really want to be the kid again.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Who Can Live Like This?!!

All's Fair..., originally uploaded by EWA Goddess-Erin.

For a little shortie, Rooster sure wears me out! I can run faster and jump higher, but he outlasts me every time. We unstuffed the couch again, and it was so liberating that we played and played, but I lost concentration for just a second and there he was, sitting on my head.

Note from Mom:
Natasha and Rooster have opposing strategies when they're playing: Rooster tries to sit on Natasha to incapacitate her, and Natasha tries to roll on her back and use her long legs to fling Rooster across the room. I love the bit of Nat's nose poking out from under Rooster's butt here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Rooster!, originally uploaded by EWA Goddess-Erin.

This is Rooster, my new baby brother. He is a very strong and clever boy and he wears me out! He's only about half as tall as me, but he keeps going like the Energizer Bunny. He comes from Iowa and he's a Kick 'Em Up Gun Dog. I kind of like the little fellow, but I'm not sure what Jaeger will think. Rooster and I are in Las Vegas for Labor Day Weekend.